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Ōtara whānau living more comfortably after Habitat Northern's home repairs


20 Apr 2023
Northerns home repairs Carpet 2023

Evergreen lives in Otara with her 75-year-old father Billy, who is wheelchair bound. The house has been in the family for three generations now and was among the first in the area. The biggest issue they were facing was the bathroom, which was not suitable with Evergreen having to lift her father in and out of the bath, a distressing situation for both.

Evergreen decided to apply for Habitat’s Home Repair Programme after doing voluntary work at the Ōtara ReStore. Habitat completed an in-home assessment, finding the home to be cold, damp and in need of urgent, critical repairs inside and out. Through Te Puni Kōkiri, the whānau were able to access funding to install a whole new bathroom, as well as make urgent repairs to the exterior cladding, installing a new laundry and electrical systems, ensuring the home is weather tight and stays viable for many years to come.

While the home had carpet in some of the bedrooms and the living room it was not fit for purpose, being old, threadbare with no underlay and staples holding it down.

While the home had carpet in some of the bedrooms and the living room it was not fit for purpose, being old, threadbare with no underlay and staples holding it down.

Through our community partners Godfrey Hirst and Dunlop Flooring, the family were able to access good quality new carpet and underlay. The benefits of having decent quality flooring, professionally installed, will ensure Evergreen and Billy stay warmer and healthier in their home.

Evergreen and Billy are very happy with the changes to their home, the bathroom is now fully functional, and the home is warmer, drier and more comfortable.

Evergreen said, “It’s just so much easier now, with everything within reach. We knew the work had to get done but you just keep putting it off. I would encourage others to reach out if they need help as Habitat is there to help our communities.”

Thanks to Te Puni Kōkori, Godfrey Hirst and Dunlop Flooring for making these repairs possible.

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