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The Healthy Homes Initiative (HHI) is making a tangible contribution to better health outcomes in Aotearoa


05 Oct 2022
Te whatu ora healthy homes northern announcement

It has been a big couple of weeks for Habitat Northern’ s Healthy Homes Programme. We are excited to be a significant contributor to Te Whatu Ora – Health NZ’s Healthy Homes Initiative, offering interventions across Tāmaki Makaurau and Tai Tokerau.

Some of our team attended the 2022 Te Whare Ora – Health Hui in Wellington last week, alongside 170 partners and other HHI providers. The Hui was a great opportunity to collaborate and learn about the new and innovative ways HHI services are delivered around the country.

This week, the Prime Minister and the Hon Dr Ayesha Verrall released the findings of the three-year outcomes evaluation, undertaken by Te Motu Research.

This evaluation categorically shows this programme is making a tangible contribution to health and social outcomes for referred whānau. Key findings include:

Significantly reduced hospitalisations for both the referred child and the wider whānau (by 19.8% per person),and when people were hospitalised they were shorter and less severe.

Increased school attendance by reducing days off school for medical reasons.

A 4% increase in employment in adults aged 24 to 64, and a reduction in the costs and number of government benefits received.

Critically, the HHI is making a significant difference to health and social outcome equity, with nearly half of the cohort being either Māori (48.7%) or Pacific (46.1%).

This evaluation provides timely evidence of the importance of warm, dry, healthy homes for health and social wellbeing, as well as the importance of connecting with other organisations who are passionate, and who share the same purpose of creating meaningful impact for whānau.

Habitat Northern supports the delivery of the HHI programme through providing home assessments, landlord liaison and communication, education and support, along with effective interventions that support whānau to stay warmer, drier, and healthier. We can tailor our services to meet local demand that support whānau with services that are significant and relevant. How we deliver these services to whānau is different in Tāmaki Makaurau as it is in Tai Tokerau, however both services are impactful as is shown in the evaluation outcomes.

Click here to read the full report.

According to the Impact Lab Good Measure Report for each $1 invested in Habitat’s Healthy Homes programme there is $6.30 return in value to society, with an astounding $4.35 in health related benefits. Click here to view the infographic.

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