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New beginnings for Habitat’s latest homeowners


28 Apr 2022
PHO Family Habitat Northern Mark

Habitat welcomes four further families on their journey towards home ownership in Pukekohe, South Auckland through the Progressive Home Ownership programme.

Each family celebrated the handing over of the keys with emotion filled dedication ceremonies. Their families and friends, Habitat, and delivery partners all came together to mark the start of an up to10-year partnership between the whānau and Habitat.

Meletoa, Toelau, and their four children had a moving powhiri and unveiling of the Pou, which now stands proudly in their front yard. “We are super excited. It reflects a new beginning, somewhere we can finally settle and call home. Our children now have a place of their own and being able to secure that for them as parents is the best feeling ever.”

For solo parent Mark, and his family of three, all avenues to home ownership had seemed hopeless and unachievable. He said, “There is now a sense of achievement and pride in having a home that the boys and I can call ours. It will provide us with stability and security in our future.”

Moving to a family friendly community where Emily’s girls can walk to school for the first time is something they are all looking forward to. Emily, who lost her husband three years ago, said “Home ownership means revolution for our family into generations to come. We are excited to have a bright future and new purpose in life.”

The fourth family are really excited to be moving in this winter. These latest Progressive Home Ownership opportunities would not have been possible without support from Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki, as landowner and developer, funding from the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development and Christian Savings.

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