Habitat’s Theory of Change

Jul 6, 2023

Habitat for Humanity’s International Theory of Change is designed to reflect Habitat’s vision and mission.

It provides high-level direction that unifies our work and drives us towards a greater long-term contribution, and deeper impact in the communities we serve.

The Theory of Change evolves our understanding of how to address inadequate housing worldwide, specifically by:

  • Placing people at the centre of all our work and highlighting their role in defining and realising the ways they will improve their lives.
  • Asking us to start our work by examining the root causes of inadequate housing, from the power imbalances caused by systemic bias to disruptive trends and events.
  • Compelling us to apply a housing ecosystem lens (see below) to our work, helping us to understand the factors that support or hamper people on their housing journey.
  • Helping us to link our specific programmes with the larger outcomes and impacts we envision.


Habitat for Humanity International's theory of Change diagram.

Habitat’s Theory of Change framework.



Housing Ecosystem diagram.